Energy Savings With Air Curtains

Energy Savings With Air Curtains

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EDT

Air curtains create a seamless barrier of air over any door, window, or opening, offering significant energy savings to building owners and helping to maintain interior building temperatures. This course examines how air curtains reduce whole building energy consumption, provide thermal comfort, and maintain air quality even when a door is open. The basic principles and theory of how air curtains operate and how to properly identify applications and maximize the air curtain’s energy savings potential are discussed in detail. Selection, application, and installation of the various types of air curtains are also explained.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. The technology behind the seamless, barrier-free protection provided by air curtains
  2. The wide range of applications where air curtains provide benefit, both by opening type and unique application settings such as those dealing with moisture, containment issues and manufacturing processes made better with the use of air curtains
  3. The energy saving benefits air curtains offer that both contribute to sustainability and LEED pre-requisites as well as reduce the utility spend by protecting costly climatized interior air
  4. How air curtains contribute to cleanliness through the barrier that stops wind, dust, debris and flying pests from making its way inside
  5. How pathogen transfer is reduced when flying pests, hosts to thousands of pathogens, are stopped via the protective barrier of a steady protective air stream
  6. How HVAC system burdens are lessened because of the relief air curtains offer to compressors and evaporators as well as reduce costs associated with repair and replacement of HVAC equipment
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