Trending Accessible Design Standards: Restrooms, Locker Rooms & Adjacent Public Spaces

Trending Accessible Design Standards: Restrooms, Locker Rooms & Adjacent Public Spaces

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Thursday, December 7, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST

Accessible design is a core requirement for most facility design projects. Ten (10) Emerging Accessible Design Trends & Tools demonstrate how designers are applying them to their projects. The class identifies who needs and how to provide accessibility in the toilet & locker room space. The presentation solutions references ADA, TAS, CA Title-24, ANSI 117.1 and Canadian accessibility standards’ compliance for restroom, locker room and adjacent space design. We conclude by defining the Seven (7) principles of universal design, proper selection [specification] & placement of fixtures & accessories with their respective clearances in accordance with the identified standards.

Learning Objectives: 
  1. Identify 10 emerging accessibility design trends & tools
  2. Explain the principles of accessibility and universal design
  3. Assess and apply accessibility standards and regulations that govern accessible restrooms and locker rooms
  4. Evaluate and apply accessible design for bathroom and locker room layout through fixture\accessory selection and placement
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