"I'm a New York registered architect, AIA # ********, who has been successfully using the Ron Blank services for many years having learned a great deal from your service - thank you."

Spec Shaman: Getting Specified
Building product manufacturers who want to get specified by architects can find strategies and suggestions in our weekly blog posts. Building product specification is crucial for manufacturers and our team offers the best resources available. Blog post topics include: 3 part CSI guide specifications, AIA continuing education, and building product rep training. Building product manufacturers who want to get their products specified can check our platform every week for valuable information about the AEC industry. Guest bloggers are always welcome. Please contact us for submission information and requirements.
On: Jan 17, 2018
“As construction specifiers we are trained to understand that the specifications are one-half of the contract documents for a project, and that they may show up in a court of law where juries can easily read the specifications but not necessarily the drawings. Consequently, we learn early in our careers that our documents must be clear, concise, easily understood by non-design professionals, and fully enforceable,” says Craig K. |
On: Jan 12, 2018
“Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” That was said by John C. Maxwell. He didn’t say we liked it, he just said it was. Change IS. Whether we want it, whether we voted for it, or whether we sought it out. The building product manufacturing world is no different. |
On: Jan 8, 2018
Building product manufacturers should rejoice and get ready for a successful year in 2018. After the financial meltdown in 2008, the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, the construction industry stalled for many years. Building product manufacturers, architects, engineers, contractors, and other design professionals suffered from the economic downturn. |
On: Jan 5, 2018
The world of architecture and gaming was, at one time, completely separated. In the last 5 years, with the evolution of VR and AR that has changed. VR has opened the world of architecture to in-the-moment design and life action design. In December, I was able to witness an amazing use of VR in the architectural world. I met with Heather DeGrella, Sustainability Design Leader at Opsis Architecture. I had been invited to participate in a VR game called HEATWAVE: Sympathy for the HVAC. |
On: Jan 3, 2018
We have all worked with demanding clients throughout our careers. It’s part of the job. “Customers may be indifferent and callous and temperamental. Customers can be cranky, picky, needy, impatient, and intolerant. If the customer is profitable and does not negatively impact a company or employees, then that customer is your company’s best friend,” says author Jeffery Fox. |
On: Dec 29, 2017
“Why does resistance yield to our turning pro? Because resistance is a bully. Resistance has no strength of its own; its power derives from our fear of it. A bully will back down before the runtiest twerp who stands his ground. The essence of professionalism is the focus upon the work and its demands, while we are doing it, to the exclusion of all else,” says Steven Pressfield in his book The War of Art. |
On: Dec 27, 2017
Since it’s the holiday season and we’re in a giving mood, we want to suggest you give a present to your competitors. Give your biggest competitor a strategic account. As author Jeffrey Fox states, “not all customers are good customers. A customer that costs more to acquire, more to support, to maintain, to service than the revenues generated is not a good customer.” Give your competition a bad customer! |
On: Dec 19, 2017
The Health Product Declaration (HPD) is one of the most requested specification resources in the AEC industry. Building product manufacturers can contribute one point in LEED v4 with a LEED compliant HPD. |
On: Dec 14, 2017
Many of you may have grown up with Atari, Nintendo, and Sony Playstation game systems. From Pac Man and Super Mario Brothers, to the Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls Series, gamers have enjoyed challenging puzzles, adventures, and strategy games. Over the past decades, video games have become more complex, immersive, and interactive. |
On: Dec 12, 2017
“A direct presentation to decision makers remains one of the most effective ways to market your product. The interaction between Design Professional and Building Product representative allows for the exchange of ideas and answering of questions,” says Ron Blank, specifications guru and industry leader. Let’s review three types of office visits that can help get products specified. |