"I have been using Ron Blank & Associates for over 15 years to obtain CE credits for my Architecture License in NY."

Spec Shaman: Getting Specified
Building product manufacturers who want to get specified by architects can find strategies and suggestions in our weekly blog posts. Building product specification is crucial for manufacturers and our team offers the best resources available. Blog post topics include: 3 part CSI guide specifications, AIA continuing education, and building product rep training. Building product manufacturers who want to get their products specified can check our platform every week for valuable information about the AEC industry. Guest bloggers are always welcome. Please contact us for submission information and requirements.
On: Oct 16, 2018
The USGBC released their 3rd quarter 2018 LEED certification update. The key takeaways revolve around the achievement level, LEED rating version, and LEED rating system. Also, metrics include the country and state where certifications took place. There are several good signs for building product manufacturers which we’ll explore. |
On: Oct 12, 2018
In The Three Little Pigs, three houses are built: one made of straw; one made of sticks; and then as we all know, the victor against the wolf, one made of bricks. Recently, while reading an article about the Dutch non-profit, The Ocean Cleanup, and subsequent articles about what to do with all the plastic it collects, I wondered how a house made of plastic would’ve fared against that wolf? |
On: Oct 8, 2018
Building product manufacturers that don’t have an online AIA course, do so at their own peril. AIA continuing education is crucial for manufacturers to educate design professionals and increase their product specifications. A manufacturer that doesn’t have an online AIA CE course risks losing market share and giving their competition the upper hand. |
On: Oct 4, 2018
Last week, Amazon announced its investment in Plant Prefab, a Rialto, CA based startup. This isn’t Amazon’s first foray into the construction business. In May 2018, Amazon partnered with Lennar, the nation’s largest homebuilder, to pre-install Alexa in all their new homes. Just days before the Plant Prefab announcement, Amazon released their new line of Alexa-enabled smart home devices. |
On: Oct 1, 2018
Today, many building products are sold as commodities. Doors, windows, bricks, and other materials are available globally and at competitive prices. Customers can review and evaluate multiple building products that are competitively priced. So, what differentiates product A from product B? |
On: Sep 27, 2018
Architectural representatives are professional educators to architects, specifiers, designers, engineers and other design professionals such as LEED professionals. An integral part of their job is building long-term relationships with design professionals that trust them for their honesty, product knowledge and availability to consult about the proper products for their projects. |
On: Sep 25, 2018
Designing and constructing buildings that are sustainable and healthy for the earth and people should be a goal of everyone in the AEC industry. |
On: Sep 21, 2018
Face-to-face relationships can still be crucial for product specification in the age of the internet, emails, phone calls, webinars, and Skype. For thousands of years, humans have done business face-to-face whether its buying, selling, or bartering. Technology like the telephone didn’t dramatically alter the buying and selling process. However, the age of the internet has added new complexities to the selling process for building product manufacturers. |
On: Sep 18, 2018
Last week, Part 1 of this blog pair discussed the lack of accessible housing in America and explained the difference between accessible design, universal design, and equitable design. As a reminder, accessible design is a process in which all the needs of differently abled people are considered, specifically regarding how their access to everyday activities and living is made possible. |
On: Sep 14, 2018
Recently, a Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote was shared on social media. It said, “When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked. But there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that.” I am a middle-aged woman who has spent more of my life on the side of feminism and social equity than not, yet this quote blew my mind. |